• Dresen, E., Tegetmeyer, C., Mundt, F., Dresen, M. (2015). Final Report – Mapping and analysis of wetlands and rivers at Kafa Biosphere Reserve. Please find this report in the Downloads section.

• Bender-Kaphengst, S. (2015). Wenn die Vielfalt schwindet. Politische Ökologie 141: 38-43. Please find the article in the Downloads section.

• Dresen, E., DeVries, B., Herold, M., Verchot, L., Müller, R. (2014). Fuelwood Savings and Carbon Emission Reductions by the Use of Improved Cooking Stoves in an Afromontane Forest, Ethiopia. Land (3): 1137-1157.

• Otten, J. (2014). Der Beitrag von Nichtregierungsorganisationen für die Entwicklung und Umsetzung von UNESCO-Biosphärenreservaten in Entwicklungsländern - am Fallbeispiel des Kafa-Biosphärenreservates in Äthiopien. Bachelor Thesis in Geography. Philipps Universität Marburg.

• Pratihast, A.K., DeVries, B., Avitabile, V., de Bruin, S., Kooistra, L., Tekle, M., Herold, M. (2014). Combining Satellite Data and Community-Based Observations for Forest Monitoring. Forests (5): 2464-2489.

• DeVries, B., Avitabile, V., Bender-Kaphengst, S., Herold, M. (2012). Measuring, Reporting and Verification of Climate and Forest Protection Activities in the Kafa Biosphere Reserve, Ethiopia. Conference Poster. Please refer to the Downloads section.

• DeVries, B., Avitabile, V., Kooistra, L., Herold, M. (2012). Monitoring the impact of REDD+ implementation in the UNESCO Kafa Biosphere Reserve, Ethiopia. Sensing a Changing World: 1-5.

• Schormann, J. (2012). Suitability assessment for the development of responsible tourism in the Kafa Biosphere Reserve, Ethiopia. Diploma Thesis in Landscape Planning. Technische Universität Berlin.

• Bender-Kaphengst, S. (2011). Saving the Wild Coffee Forests. Joint Forces for Kafa Biosphere Reserve in Ethiopia. Austrian Academy of Sciences (eds.), Biosphere Reserves in the Mountains of the World. Excellence in the clouds? 89–92.

• Lange, S. (2011). Biosphere reserves in the mountains of the world and their standing after 40 years of UNESCO’s MAB Programme. Management & Policy Issues: 55-58.

• Lange, S. and Jungmeier, M. (2011). Development of Management and Business Plan for ecotourism in Kafa Biosphere Reserve, Bonga, Ethiopia. Final Report. In the frame of the NABU project: Climate Protection and Preservation of Primary Forests - A Management Model using the Wild Coffee Forests in Ethiopia as an Example. Please find the full report in the Downloads section.

• Schmitt, C.B., Denich, M., Demissew, S., Friis, I., Boehmer, H.J. (2010). Floristic diversity in fragmented Afromontane rainforests: Altitudinal variation and conservation importance. Applied Vegetation Science 13: 291–304.

• Dresen, E. (2009). The Application of Remote Sensing and GIS - Analyses for the Generation of Thematic Maps as a Basis for the Zonation of a Coffee Biosphere Reserve in Kafa, Ethiopia. Master Thesis. Warsaw University of Life Sciences & University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde.

• Döschner, S. (2009). Genetic sampling of Colobus guereza.

• Döschner, S. (2009). Investigation of the Colobus guereza population in managed and unmanaged coffee forests around Bonga in the region of Kafa in southwest Ethiopia.

• Berhan, L.A. (2008). Status and Distribution of Faunal Diversity in Kafa Afromontane Coffee Forest. Submitted to PPP Project. Please find the full report in the Downloads section.

• Bieber, F. J. (1920, 2008). Kaffa , Ein altkuschitisches Volkstum in Inner- Afrika, Nachrichten über Land und Volk, Brauch und Sitte der Kaffitscho oder Gonga und das Kaiserreich Kaffa, Band 1 und 2. Faksimile-Reprint Fines Mundi, Saarbrücken.

• Chernet, T. (2008). Land Resources and socio-economic report of Bonga, Boginda, Mankira and the surrounding areas in Kaffa zone, SNNPRS. Submitted to PPP Project. Please find the full report in the Downloads section.

• Nune, S. (2008). Flora Biodiversity Assessment in Bonga, Boginda and Mankira Forest. Submitted to PPP Project. Please find the full report in the Downloads section.

• Bacha, D. (2007). Assessment of Forest Coffee Value Chains in Ethiopia: A Case Study in Kefa Zone, Gimbo District. Master Thesis, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn.

• Riechmann, D. (2007, unpublished). Literature Survey on biological data and research carried out in Bonga area, Kafa, Ethiopia. Please find the full report in the Downloads section.

• Senbeta, F., Denich, M., Boehmer, H.J., Woldemariam, T., Teketay, D., Demissew, S. (2007). Wild Coffea arabica L. in the afromontane rainforests of Ethiopia: Distribution, Ecology and Conservation. Ethiopian Journal of Science 30(1): 13-24.

• Tesfaye, K., Borsch, Th., Govers, K., Bekele, E. (2007). Characterization of Coffea Chloroplast Microsatellites and Evidence for the recent Divergence of C. arabica and C. eugenioides Chloroplast Genomes. Genome 50.

• Rojahn, A. (2006). Incentive Mechanisms for a sustainable Use System of the montane Rainforest in Ethiopia. Doctoral thesis, Christian Albrechts Universität Kiel.

• Schmitt, C.B. (2006). Montane Rainforests with wild Coffea arabica in the Bonga Region (SW Ethiopia): Plant Diversity, Wild Coffee Management and implications for Conservation. Ecology and Development Series 47.

• Thästense, F., Dehnich, M., Kleyer, M. (2006). Conservation areas for wild coffee in Ethiopia: An exemplary planning concept based on land use. Master Thesis.

• Gatzweiler, F.W. (2005). Institutionalising Biodiversity Conservation: The Case of Ethiopian Coffee Forests. Conservation and Society 3(1).

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• Senbeta, F., Schmitt, C., Denich, M., Demissew, S., Vlek, P.L.G., Preisinger, H., Woldermariam, T., Teketay, D. (2005). The Diversity and Distribution of Lianas in the Afromontane rainforests of Ethiopia. Diversity and Distribution 11.

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For more literature on birds in Ethiopia, please click here.